Papadimitriou Dimitra
Miscellaneous Information
Information: Dimitra Papadimitriou is a Professor at the Department of Business Administration of the University of Patras. She is a graduate of the University of Athens (TEFAA) with a Master's degree in Sports Services Administration from the University of Ottawa, Canada (1991) and a PhD in Administration from the University of Sheffield, England (1995). Her doctoral thesis focuses on the organizational effectiveness of non-profit organizations. Ms. Papadimitriou's most recent research interests are in the scientific field of destination and major event management and marketing (city branding, destination personality, event tourism, service quality, social capital) and sports services management (symbolic sport consumption, product meanings, brand extension management, sport sponsorship). She also has significant research experience in organizational theory (measurement of organizational effectiveness, organizational structure, board effectiveness, sports governance). She has published in international scientific journals related to the management of services and organizations such as: Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, Journal of Promotion Management, International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, Journal of Product & Brand Management, International Journal of Public Sector Management, European Sport Management Quarterly (formerly European Journal of Sport Management), Sport Management Review, Journal of Sport & Tourism, Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sport Marketing & Sponsorship, Managing Leisure, an International Journal, Psychological Reports. She has also presented a large number of scientific papers at international conferences on the management of sports services. Her research work has been internationally recognized with a large number of references, and she has been invited to contribute by writing chapters in Greek and foreign language books on the management of sports organizations. Ms. Papadimitriou served as an elected member of the Board of Directors of the European Association of Sport Management (EASM, 2003-2009), while currently she participates as a regular member of the editorial board of the Scientific Journal European Sport Management Quarterly and coordinates the international award for young researchers in sports management (EASM New Researcher’s Award). She has also served as a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Sport Management (USA) (1999-2006), while she regularly evaluates scientific papers for the scientific journals Sport Management Review (Australia & New Zealand) and Journal of Sport Management (North America). She is a founding member of the Hellenic Society of Sports Management (Hellenic Society of Sports Management). Finally, she is the author of the book: Management of Sports Organizations and Businesses (Athens, Kleidarithmos Publications).