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Charitomeni Tsordia

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Charitomeni Tsordia holds a BSc of Business Management (University of Patras, Greece), a Master of Business Administration – ΜΒΑ (University of Patras, Greece) and a PhD in Marketing (University of Patras, Greece). She is Assistant Professor of Sports Management, at the Department of Management of the School of Business and Economics at the American College of Greece (Deree). Her research has been published in peer-reviewed scientific international journals related to marketing and entrepreneurship such as Journal of Strategic Marketing, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, Sport, Business and Management. She has also presented scientific papers at peer-reviewed international scientific conferences, serves as a reviewer in numerous scientific peer-reviewed international journals and as a member of the Editorial Board of Leisure Studies journal. Her research interests include among others marketing, branding, sponsorship, consumer behaviour and social entrepreneurship. She has participated as a researcher in numerous EU research projects focusing on social entrepreneurship and management. She also has experience as a Business Consultant. Her current teaching involves such courses as Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management in Sport, Business Research Methods, Marketing Communication, etc. She has previously taught Organizational Communication and Leadership in Education, E-Commerce, Sport Organizations Governance, Sport Management and Sport Marketing at the undergraduate and postgraduate level at various Universities in Greece and abroad.
